
Suggestive itineraries in a breathtaking environment.

The excursion always include a small walk, a visit to a naturalistic, archaeological, cultural, folkore or gastronomic site and an interactive, practical and educational activity that will create a connection between the places we will see and the history we will hear.
We like to get into the core of the small /big realities we will make you discover and the small laboratory connected to the different proposals is our icing on the cake.


Personalized proposals

Our association is like a small family, we like groups that are not to big to establish a different relationship with those we meet and empathize with those who decide to give us their trust…

If you are in a couple or you are single; if you prefer not to be in a group and an ad hoc program to discover the uncommon of Molise No problem!

Fill the form and tell us how much time you have, if you want to stay overnight, how many days you would like to stay, what preferences you have (mountain, sea, history, archeology, mystery, food and wine, art…) and we will try to satisfy you.




    Partecipanti, giorni e altre informazioni utili.

    Traveling, volunteering, and European mobility

    Are essential to broaden horizons and better understand the world.
    Some of our activities require a contribution to help the organisation, and part of the revenue is destined periodically for small solidarity with refugees in Grece.
    We also make educational paths in the historical, artistic, archaeological and naturalistic fields, enhancing the material and intangible heritage, trying to create the conditions for this heritage to be accessible to all (elderly, disabled, migrants, adults, children).



    I.C. Giovanni XXIII (Isernia)

    It was a pleasure to partecipate to the school camp orginized by Dajai association. It engaged us with many activities making the teachers but above all the children discover a lot about nature.


    I.C. Madonna Assunta (Napoli)

    The Prehistory workshop was amazing, the children were involved and exited from start to finish

    Lando and Maria Rosaria

    The association Dajai made us enter with delicacy and respect in the wonderful places of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise (Molise side), it was a revelation… thanks!