Monastic civilization

As an Association we propose an experiential path on monastic civilisation linked to the site of San Vincenzo al Volturno that includes a focus on the figure of the apotheistic monk / herbalist. The herbalist monk was the depository of the knowledge of herbs for curative purposes but also the knowledge of herbs used for daily nutrition. The garden of the monks was Treasure, where the treasure are the plants with certain characteristics, moreover along the path there are always signs indicating the “passage of the monk”. After the botanical path we will make a visit to the excavations and what we will discover will be a great surprise, every corner and every place of the site hides a little secret that becomes compelling for the children and the family. After the itinerary to the excavations we will go inside the church where we will admire the structure, the history and some of the symbols of the place. Then we will pass in the courtyard of the Monastery where we can have a short conversation and get acquainted with a representative of the group of semi-cloistered nuns present in the monastery. The final surprise is represented by the appearance of an herbalist monk complete with cassock, herbs, candles, incense, mortar and still.